Tuesday, September 16, 2014

how to flash karbonn smart tablet 9-Flashing Instructions and all karbon flash tools

how to flash karbonn smart tab 9
Flashing Instructions

1) Extract PhoenixCard.rar by using Winzip or Winrar.

2) And extract it into same folder where the PhoenixCard is extracted.

3) Take a micro SD card and format it.

4) Insert the SD Card into laptop or PC by using SD Card jack.

5) Double click on PhoenixCard app into the folder of PhoenixCard.

6) A window will open and in the disk Box, select the Drive of your SD Card.

7) Now click on img File and select the Downloaded ROM IMG file.

8) Then click on Burn button. And it will show you some processing.

9) After completion this processing exit phoenixCard app and remove the SD Card from laptop/PC.

10) Switch of your device and insert that SD Card into the device and turn it on.

11) It will shows a progress bar on the centre of the display after completeion of his bar click ok and remove SD Card.

12) Start the device as normal.


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